Trip 12: Post 9 …. Day 8 =16th May GREECE … Athens


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Athens has been the center of Greek civilization for some 4,000 years. The capital of modern Greece, it’s still dominated by 5th-century-B.C.E. landmarks, including the Acropolis, a hilltop citadel topped with ancient buildings such as the colonnaded Parthenon temple. But it’s also a contemporary city, and it’s not uncommon for the nightlife hubs of Kolonaki, Psiri and Gazi to stay busy until dawn.


The Acropolis:

The Parthenon on the Acropolis from 420 BC. ….

Reconstruction  being done on it 2,435  years later …. This time

with cranes instead of man-power.

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A closer view of the Parthenon with Ken & Harriet in the foreground.


The  Acropolis Museum:

The Acropolis Museum is located in the historical area of Makriyianni,  southeast of the Rock of the Acropolis, on Dionysiou Areopagitou Street,  Athens. It is only 300 metres from the Acropolis and approximately two  kilometres from Syntagma Square, the main square of the city of Athens.  The Museum entrance is located at the beginning of the pedestrian walkway  of Dionysiou Areopagitou Street, which constitutes the central route for the  unified network of the city’s archaeological sites.


A statue of a man acting as an ancient soldier in the Greek Army

The stadium of the first modern Olympic Games. See the website: History – The Panathenaic Stadium – My Website

From the website: The Panathenaic Stadium is located on the site of an ancient stadium and for many centuries hosted games in which nude male athletes competed (gymnikoi agones) in track events, athletics championships as we would call them today. The games, which since antiquity had been held in an area far from the city, were included in the programme of the Panathenaia festival celebrations in 566/565 BC. When the orator Lykourgos assumed responsibility for the finances of Athens, in 338 BC, he included in the public works carried out in the city the building of a Stadium. The ravine running between Ardettos Hill and the low height opposite, extra muros of the city and in an idyllic setting on the verdant banks of the River Ilissos, was deemed to be an ideal location. This was private land but its owner, Deinias, conceded it to the State for the construction of a Stadium. Major earth-removal works transformed the ravine into a space for contests, with the features of the Greek stadium: parallelogram shape with entrance at one narrow end and room for the spectators on the earth slopes of the other three sides. Lykourgos’ stadium was used for the first time during the celebration of the Great Panathenaia in 330/29 BC, when games in which nude athletes competed were held.

The museum  from the outside

People lining up to go into this museum

Ancient Greek Ruins to be looked at over the glass wall

The Caryatid Porch and the ionic columns of the two porches (the north and the south). The Caryatid sculptures on the Erectheion are exact replicas. Five of the six original sculptures are protected   from air pollution in the Acropolis Museum, and one is housed in the  British Museum.

The Parthenon on the Acropolis from 420 BC. ….. the view from the museum

Lunchtime Eating:

Ken &  Harriet  exploring the lunch area ….this was a very special time for us. There was a whole winding street  of outdoor eating areas,  cafes and restaurants.  It is with great interest when you explore  eating Greek food in such an area. It  so different  to our Australian food.  It had  a real handmade, creative  quality to it and the sense of community which   was very real. It wasn’t machine produced, pragmatic eating ….. you are hungry? …. Lets get food and eat it  in a hurry. Here  you order a  meal with someone  and  spend unhurried time enjoying someone  else’s friendship.  