2008: Browns House at Wilsons Creek as in January

 I was very small …. About seven or eight ….. I was swinging and climbing in the frangipani trees out the back of Browns ….


Note: I would like  to share with  you  through  these few words, photographs and hyperlinked websites, a 3 Dimensional  experience as though you were  actually there with  us. Click on any photograph and it should enlarge to  different size  …… at least half screen or size full screen. It will be clearer in detail than the photo on the post. It will be as if you were  really there looking at the actual  scene. You are an arm chair traveller with us.


Mr. & Mrs. Brown lived in very big house on a nearby hill to us. They were a significant older couple in their 70’s who we had a lot to do with. They lived within walking  distance  to the main Wilsons Creek road. The road into their property and other properties is now called Black  Bean  Rd. Blackbean or Moreton Bay Chestnut trees are wonderful broad leaved rainforest trees that have beautiful orange flowers and very big black seeds in long 300 mm pods.  See this website from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:  Blackbean.

Mr. & Mrs. Brown on the Hill:  Browns had come out to Wilsons Creek in the bullock trail days of the early 1900’s to clear their land, grow bananas on the steep slopes and build their big house with its cream painted weatherboard sides, galvanised tin roof and big wide verandas. Mum had gone over to see Mrs. Brown to have a cup of tea and socialise …. this was in the late 1950’s. See Bullock cart  From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. See what it says on the  use of  bullock teams and bullock carts.

I was very small …. About seven or eight … I was eating an Arnott’s milk biscuit and drinking a cup of milk ….. I was dipping the biscuit in the milk. I still occasionally dunk my biscuit in my hot drink to this day. I remember being outside after that and I was swinging and climbing in the frangipani trees out the back of Browns …. it was a very rare to have  garden with open lawns. Mown grass was an unheard of thing !! The few frangipani trees planted down our driveway at Chambers Flat are a reminder of these experiences.

This time was a very significant time in my life we only live in very simple house on the nearby farm and banana plantation on the slopes. See the post:  Banana Growing in the 1960’s.

The frangipani trees out the back of Browns old house are still there

in 2012 !!  There are many other trees as well and some crows nest

ferns in the foreground.

A Jacaranda tree planted out the back of Browns house.

Browns house as I remember it …. cream painted weatherboard sides,

louvers, galvanised tin roof and big wide verandas. The current owners have

built a new house  in brick and tile roof  nearby.

Mr. & Mrs. Brown in a Botanical Park with the vertically hanging roots

of a big banyan tree. See Banyan from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

To dress in a suit was a very special occasion. All the ladies wore hats!!



The FJ Holden car which the Browns drove.
