Day 15b. An Alpine Adventure: The Farm Winery Redaelli De Zinis Valtenesi in Lake Garda …. 16th September 2018


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See this website on Redaelli De Zinis:

The Albatross Overview of our trip said: ‘Enjoy a wine tasting and lunch at the Redaeli de Zinis wine estate”. The initial entry to the winery was very interesting: the stone walls of the building, the stone paving, the big pots of plants on wheels and the many open spaces to be explored.

A lovely old car gives a very personal quality to the entrance of the winery.

A circular garden seat around a courtyard garden, gives a resting quality to the entry of the winery.

A big courtyard with outdoor covered tables for groups of people who would come for wine tasting sessions.

The entry of the winery is past eye – catching tubs of succulents like cacti around one of their cut down big wine barrels. This barrel has big piece of disused wine – making machinery turned up and used a big sculpture.

A view from the restaurant over the winery with the field of grapes.

From this website: The Redaelli de Zinis estate extends over an area of 120 hectares; another 50 hectares are cultivated in vineyards with carefully selected DOC grapes.

The agricultural estate (approximately 120 hectares) extends around the Villa patrizia, where the historic winegrowing culture blends with animal husbandry, forage and grain-growing activities in addition to agritourism. The vine-growing area (approximately 50 hectares), produces grapes typical of the classic Garda, all designated DOC controlled origin, which also produce excellent clusters, along with precious extra-virgin olive oil, authentic flower of this happy, generous, and fruitful land.

Growth is favored by special climatic factors specific to the moraine amphitheatre of the Garda, formed by the slow withdrawal of the glaciers in the Quaternary era. The land, although arid and rocky, produces fruit in low quantity, but absolutely unique and with unmistakable flavors.

All 26 people on our trip seated around the table in the restaurant.

Our tour of 26 people was driven by a wonderful bus driver Michel for three weeks.

Big exposed beams in the restaurant gives a very personal quality to the restaurant.

After lunch we were taken down below to look at the winery. Big barrels of wine were every where in the room.

A stained glass window in the lower winery gives a very personal note to the winery.

Looking at the restaurant from the top of the stairs shows curved terracotta tiles used as roofing tiles and the many windows which enable you to look at the garden and winery.
