2017: Wedding with Kieron Jarvis & Claire Aitken …. 24th June

A friend asked this email question: How did the wedding go? 

It was a wonderful wedding with 70 guests but it was  preceded by a few dramas. Claire is 37, was unmarried and was living up in Townsville then. She was a primary school teacher in a  school at Aitkenvale … a suburb of Townsville. She was also a chaplain in another school (She has a Christian Spirituality like us as her parents). She had never met a man who would be a suitable husband. Harriet and I have been praying for several years that a suitable man would come into  her life. Now God has wonderfully answered our prayers.

She connected with Kieron Jarvis. Kieron had been married before but his wife had died of breast cancer seven years ago. He was a chaplain in a school up near Chartres Towers. They got together through        e-Harmony … a dating site which many Christians use. Kieron is a wonderful man….. a wonderful answer to our prayers. They flew down on the Friday night = 31st March (after Cyclone Debbie from up north which became a heavy rain depression down the coast in the Brisbane region ), to stay with us for the weekend  and so Kieron could get to know us.

However, they couldn’t stay as we had no electricity for Kieron’s sleep apnea machine …. they finished up staying with  Kieron’s two  sons in Brisbane which is 35 kms. away. The electricity went off due to the flooding in our area. We had no power for three days ….. candles for two nights, no phones as our two phones couldn’t be charged, no TV or any electric appliances.

They came out Saturday to look at our house & land with the possible prospect of getting married here. On the Saturday night Kieron proposed to Claire  to be his wife and Claire accepted. Harriet said that they couldn’t get married on our land as she wanted to be mother of the bride and not the organiser of the wedding.

They actually  got married up at Mt. Tamborine on the 24th June. It was at Heritage Wines. It was a very nice  place  that was a wedding venue with a little chapel down below a much larger building  that could  seat at least a 100 people (we had 70 people come). Then there the main dining hall up the steps. See the photos below of the wedding.


 …. Kieron Jarvis & Claire Jarvis ….


23rd: The Day before the Wedding = Preparing the Flowers for the Wedding

… A team of woman led by my cousin Mandy preparing the flowers for the wedding. Harriet found on the previous day, a big commercial Rose farm in which lots of cut roses which were kept in buckets of water ….

…. The end result !! ….


The Wedding of the Jarvises

…. The wedding car provided a means of getting to the wedding location from our house at Chambers Flat to Mt. Tamborine  …. about half an hour away …

 …. Kieron  & Claire considered the possibility of having their wedding on our land on the 24th June which is the middle of winter in Australia. They changed their minds  and looked for a place up at  Mt. Tamborine … about half an hour away from us. They found a place as was said above at The Heritage Centre.  It was a very nice  place  that was a wedding venue with a little chapel down below a much larger building that could  seat at least a 100 people (we had 70 people come). Then there was the main dining hall up the steps.

They had  many photos taken on our land of five acres in our big garden with its ten garden rooms. We live in this amazing house built out of rejected materials. See our house​ and garden and land:



Going to the Wedding

Driving up to the wedding location from our house at Chambers Flat to Mt. Tamborine  …. about half an hour away …


 …. Wedding Ring being placed by Keiron  …. my brother Rick  (Claire’s uncle) is the officiating pastor …..

…. Signing the Wedding Register …..

… Some of the guests  in  the wedding chapel …

…. Youngest Wedding Guest? …..

…. Outside as Mr. & Mrs. Jarvis with rose petals being thrown everywhere …. Harriet found before the wedding a big commercial Rose farm which sold basketfuls of rose  petals ….

…. Looking down on the guests from upon the raised wedding dinner area  ….

…. The wedding dinner area  ….

….. Claire & Kieron coming down the stairs from a higher floor to sit at the wedding table ….

…. The wedding table …..

…  Cards indicate where we were to sit ….

….. guests  in  the wedding dinner area  ….

….. Ken as Father of the bride dancing to music …..

….. Anthony as brother of the bride dancing to music …..
