Sheehan Garden in October 2007 (1984 – 2007)


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Garden Overview:

23 years on from when I designed and built their garden in 1984 at West End in Brisbane.

I was an artistic person, a lateral thinker ….. more artist than businessman. I thought of a landscape as a three-dimensional piece of space that people walked through. This space changed with time as it grew and changed with the time of day: shadows vs. sun patterns, boulders, colour, plants, trees, earth-forms, solid structures, and water. These were the ingredients in a subtle flow of landscape design and construction. Rather an intangible product to sell and run a business with!! Out of this stage, I built a structure for my life: my marriage with Harriet, business, and the house plus we had a family.

See the post on our house:


…… View of the house in a side street with purple-flowered Clematis and
other subtropical shrubs ….

…. The garden inside …. rainforest garden drops to the river in terraces …

….. The Blue Quandong tree …. a very rapidly growing rainforest tree ….. it was planted in 1984 at only 300 mm high to screen out from the Sheehan’s upstairs verandah view….. an unsightly adjacent roof …

….. View from the top lawn terrace which overlooks a lower deck terrace then the river through some existing onsite trees ……

…. lower deck looks through an existing onsite tree …. deck looks out on the river below …..

….. View of the Brisbane River from the boat pontoon which goes out from the river mangrove trees …..

…. View of the house from down in the garden through rainforest trees and Bangalow palms (Australian rainforest palms) …..

…. A lower terrace garden walled by dry sandstone walling ….. I personally built this wall with the help of employed labour …

….. Flat sandstone slab steps going down into the lower stone-walled terrace ….

….. A big earthenware pot which the client has selected and placed on an upturned concrete column …. the handmade pot is an eye-catching feature amidst the natural growth of the garden ….

… lower deck terrace with a rectangular fishpond …..

…. lower deck terrace with dry-stacked sandstone wall …… it flows up to the top lawn terrace ….. see below …..

…. Front entry to the house with off a street gravel parking lot …
