Trip 8: CHINA HOLIDAY …. 2011: Day 2 …. 13th October … Beijing Rickshaw Ride


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A Personal Note: Harriet (my wife) and I jointly share a spirit of adventure. As we have no mortgage, we are free to travel the world financially. We built a handmade house in 1981 on five acres of land 35 kms. out of Brisbane, Australia for minimal money.

See the house / land posts:

OUR HOUSE …. An Overview

OUR HOUSE ….The Actual Garden  See  the photos of the house and garden and the history of how we obtained rejected materials like from the Supreme Courthouse stone (where the Law Courts are now in Brisbane) …. two loads for nothing in 1980. They dumped 100’s of cubic metres as fill and built a school over the top. The stone was cut out of the Kangaroo Points Cliffs in 1877.


See these travel posts:


Note: I would like  to share with  you  through  these few words, photographs and hyperlinked websites, a 3 Dimensional  experience as though you were  actually there with  us. Click on any photograph and it should enlarge to  different size ….. at least half screen or size full screen. It will be clearer in detail than the photo on the post. It will be as if you were  really there looking at the actual  scene. You are an arm chair traveller with us.

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2011 CHINA TRIP …. 19 days to see Ancient China …… an overview

We had a three week holiday in China from the 10th – 28th October  2011

We went with a group for 19 days (three weeks) to look at ancient China with the  WendyWu group. The Wendy Wu website says: Ancient China ….. 19 Days:

If you desire to learn more about China’s incredible past, we trust this tour will stimulate the historian in you. Whilst touring China’s most ancient cities you will trace the roots of one of Asia’s most fascinating cultures.

This tour will take you from the present capital of Beijing to the ancient cities of Xian and Luoyang. Tour the most significant sites of the imperial age; climb the Great Wall and explore the Forbidden City in Beijing. Explore the UNESCO World Heritage listed Yungang Caves, the Longman Grottoes and the unforgettable Hanging Monastery.

Wander  the charming streets of the UNESCO World Heritage listed town of Pingyao. Be enthralled with Xian and its many wonders, from its ancient City Wall to the incredible Terracotta Warriors.

Your journey ends in the dynamic city of Shanghai where you can explore ancient and modern China.


FROM THE TOUR  ITINERARY: from the Wendy Wu Itinerary

  • AUSTRALIA TO BEIJING: Day 1- 2 = 10th – 11th October

We flew overnight with Singapore Airlines to Beijing.


BEIJING: Day 3 – 5 = 12th – 14th October ….. Beijing for a four-night stay

  • 12th = Tiananmen Square
  • 12th = Forbidden City
  • 13th = Great Wall
  • 13th = Lunch in the Hutong Alley Area
  • 13th = Rickshaw Ride
  • 13th = Chinese Opera
  • 13th = Jade Factory
  • 13th = Stadium Area
  • 14th = Summer Palace
  • Today we stroll through famous Tiananmen  Square past Chairman Mao’s Mausoleum, and visit the Forbidden  City.  Enjoy a rickshaw ride through the traditional Hutong area. Tonight we sample the local delicacy, ‘Peking Duck’ and enjoy an evening at the Chinese Opera.


From this website: Beijing Hutong:

Beijing Hutong

People say that the real culture of Beijing lies in the culture of Hutong and Siheyuan (courtyards). How true it is! They give an insight to the old lifestyle of ordinary Beijingers and have special appeal to tourists. As one of the most representative icons in local culture, Hutong Beijing is usually included in a classical tour itinerary there.

What is a Hutong in China?

Hutong is the name given to a narrow lane, alley, or small street between rows of single-storey Siheyuan dwelled by Beijingers in the past. When viewed from the air the interlaced lanes resemble a maze or a chessboard with delicate gardens, fine rockeries and ancient ruins which makes them a wonder in the world.

Ken and Harriet Aitken in a rickshaw ready to journey down a hutong alley.

Rickshaws ready to be hired.

A tuk tuk which is an enclosed motorized waterproof vehicle you can hire vs. a rickshaw.

A small open shop front in the Hutong alley we were going down.
