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…. Man dressed in clothing as worn by Klondike Stampeders, greets us on entry to this reconstructed mine rush camp  …..

A trip to Skagway just isn’t complete without experiencing an authentic Alaskan salmon bake. During this 1.5-hour outing, dine on delicious Alaskan fare including wild Alaskan salmon and many more tasty treats. Enjoy your meal in the village of Liarsville, a re-created Gold Rush-era mining camp where after your all-you-can-eat buffet, you will have free time to explore the area, visit the Gold Rush-era exhibitions and historical buildings, and chat with the 19th-century characters.
What to Expect

After pickup from your Skagway hotel, head to the historical, Gold Rush-era Liarsville Camp, where you will be greeted with a mouthwatering assortment of warm and cold Alaskan dishes, served alfresco in the forest. Feast on Alaskan-caught wild salmon grilled over an open alder-wood fire, and enjoy Chilkoot chicken, Panner’s pasta, Prospector Pete’s reindeer beans, Liarsville rice medley, Sluice Box slaw and other fresh salads, plus cornbread and blueberry cake for dessert. (Beer and wine are available for purchase.) This delicious meal also includes a visit to an 1898 replica campsite.

At Liarsville Camp, you’ll discover how the prospectors of yesteryear survived while they were searching for gold. Converse with colorful, in-costume period characters, from gold-diggers to gold-digging madams, and enjoy this glimpse of life during the Klondike Gold Rush. Visit the Fancy Goods Gift Shop to find the perfect souvenir, and have your picture taken with the camp’s mascot, an adorable Alaskan malamute named Denali (a sled dog of northern North America).

See and listen to the website: Alaska Travel Adventures: Liarsville Gold Rush Trail Camp

See  the website: Images for liarsville gold rush trail camp

… Prospecting for Gold at  Liarsville ……
The Cabins Where The Liarsville People Lived  …..
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… Your glimpse of life during the Klondike Gold Rush and how some people who ran  Liarsville  lived in luxury while many other people lived in tents …..
General Living For The Klondike Stampeders ….
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Liarsville Now in the 20th Century vs. 1898:

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 See our next post: OUR CANADIAN HOLIDAY in May 2008 …. Glacier Bay in Alaska … Our return to Vancouver: Post  8